Investigating Sustainable Development

A corrupt official's main worry is that his or her secret is revealed. Whereas investigative journalism is the key to disclose such breaches, access to information is the right to hold this key and empowers citizens through information and knowledge.

This unique course enables journalists to advance their knowledge and skill in Investigative Journalism and Access to Information (SDG 16.10.2), within the perspective of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Bridging Investigative Journalism and Access to Information, two fields of work that are interwoven and interdependent, this course serves as a  teaching guide and a supplement to the UNESCO’s Story-Based Inquiry: A Manual for Investigative Journalists, which has been acclaimed by journalists across the world.

Mark Lee Hunter and Luuk Sengers, Investigating Sustainable Development, A guide and method for advancing investigative journalism and SDG, Unesco 2022, Format: Handouts, slides and teaching notes | Language: English | Free download